Summer has arrived, signalling the start of the summer vacation. PYP fifth graders have successfully graduated, embarking on their MYP learning journey. As their culminating learning project, the G5 students of WIS have presented the grand PYP Exhibition, a celebration of their achievements.
The Primary Years Programme Exhibition (PYPX) is the culmination of the Primary Years Program (PYP). It is a milestone for IB students.
Climate change, air pollution, coexistence between humans and animals, marine biodiversity conservation, competition for natural resources, and the devastating impact of war …The Grade 5 students have studied the theme of “Sharing the Planet” and explored the global issues faced by all of humanity. Through interdisciplinary learning, data research, surveys, and various other methods, they have sought effective solutions.
Each group showcased their understanding of the theme and their thinking about real-life problems, exhibiting what knowledge, skills, concepts and problem-solving abilities they have grasped during PYP.