September- Inquirer; October- Caring
Caring learners show empathy, compassion, and respect toward the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and they act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
What can you do to help develop students their Caring skills at home?
- Be an example of the caring behavior you want to see in your child. Your child is always watching you and learning from you! Be a good listener to show that you care about people. Do small acts to show that you care, such as holding the door for someone or helping a stranger.
- Practice recycling and taking care of the Earth at home- Try to show your children that you care about the environment.
Inquirers develop their natural curiosity. They ask good questions and learn how to find the answers on their own. They are active learners who enjoy discovering new things.
What can you do at home to develop an Inquirer?
- Encourage your child to explore their areas of interest. Find books or other resources that help them learn more about these topics.
- Model being an inquirer. When you don’t know the answer to a question, take the time to find the answers in front of your child.