On Tuesday we had an intense and enjoyable Sports Day, jam-packed with games and team-building activities, organized by our PE teacher Mr. Jon and his team. Starting on Wednesday the Book Fair was in full swing with students, teachers and parents, reading and buying some wonderful books on display. This week The WIS students also continued with diagnostic testing – determining areas in need of improvement, together with suggested ways forward. It is one of the formative assessment tools we use to make sure that all students’ educational needs are identified, and appropriate strategies can be implemented for continued growth. Starting on Monday 5 November WIS will take part in the traditional flag raising ceremony, on the first Monday of every month – a great collaboration oppor-tunity for us together with WBS. Also on Monday 5 November WIS will host an open evening for parents with children interested in joining our Middle School, starting at 18:00. And on Tuesday 6 November we will host a similar event for Primary School. Here are some of our other important dates for activities, taking place in November:
Thursday 08/11 – Quarter 1 Progress Report
Monday 12/11 – Thursday 15/11 – PTS Conferences
Pay special attention to the Parent Teacher Students Conferences, just after the Quarter 1 Progress Report will be sent out to parents. We look forward to you attending these meetings together with your child. Schedules and sign-up sheets will be sent out beforehand, from the Homeroom Teachers. Keep enjoying the sunny autumn weather, and take advantage of all learning opportunities outdoors in our beautiful surroundings
Anders Hjelm
WIS Principal